Hair loss in women, Get the Facts before acting

In the United States alone, pattern hair loss affects over forty million men. Less well known is that hair loss occurs twenty million women. Until recently, some of the possible existence of women who have this problem. Today, great strides in research and treatment are made. In this article we will focus on the latest and best treatments and therapies in the future looming around the corner.

But first, a brief discussion to create the framework for the gender similarities and differences. Both sexes & # 39; s under the so-called "pattern" hair loss, because the interior of the hair thinning and loss precipitation zone. Hair outside area is generally considered to be free. This single fact has led to hair transplant surgery more than fifty years, since the transplanted hair thinning zone keeps a genetic immunity and continue to thrive. But there is one important caveat.

Men, pattern hair loss tends to leave the area for the purpose of healthy thick hair transplantation, scalp, eyes. For women, this does not always occur. Often, women lose their hair throughout the scalp to such an extent that causes hair transplant surgery is a non-starter, because it & # 39; d trading in a region of sparse hair in the other. Another point of differentiation between the sexes that women with thinning hair tend to keep young women's hair line, while the bi-temporal recession is a very common phenomenon in men. So briefly, the men of the area of ​​hair loss is usually more severe, but anatomically limited – while for women the rate of loss is not as severe, but the extent of the area affected could be much more extensive.

In this article we will not delve into the biochemical hallmarks that distinguish male from female pattern hair loss. Suffice to say, the common pattern hair loss are related biochemical characteristics generally outperform non-specific differences.

Okay, I & # 39; ve defined a reasonable basis for the problem. Now, what is there to be done? Let & # 39; and start tapping the opportunities that frankly just do not work, and you & # 39; ll get into therapies that do. The first thing that does not work it is usually the first thing that women are interested in, that is, the "thickening" of the hair. By using thickening spray, gel, mist etc. thinning hair is a bit like a corpse makeup. Finally, the shaking up. Hair loss has affected women, eventually the hair thins to the point where no amount of flocking spray will be able to disguise what & # 39; It happens. This is because the visible hair over the scalp can occur that non-living part of the system. It & # 39; and why not scream bloody murder when he takes the scissors to the hair stylist. It & # 39; and therefore also swollen the thickening shampoos and hair volumizing hairspray finally deals with exactly the wrong end of the problem. It's the hair follicle, buried several millimeters under the skin surface where to focus attention.

The other thing that just does not work in head massage, and / or some other product is designed to increase blood flow to the scalp. Pattern hair loss is not a function of compromised blood supply. So massage your scalp or products allegedly "invigorate" the scalp to do basically nothing, but here's a disreputable hair company & # 39; s bank account. Next on the list of "things that just do not work," the hair vitamins. The hair does not go hungry. Not a lack of trace elements and vitamin C in your hair to stop the genetic and epigenetic factors that simply can not fix your hair vitamins.

now & # 39; probably says to himself, or if none of these things work, you can & # 39; m basically out of luck, right? Bad. In a therapeutic point of view, there really has never been a better opportunity in human history as it is today. For starters, as are man-marked hair loss treatment medicines that are off limits to women, women's hair growth treatment indicated drugs that improper use of men. The first drug in the list spironolactone.

spironolactone (sold under the trade names Aldactone, Novo-Spiroton, Aldactazide, Spiractin, Spirotone, Verospiron or Berlactone) diuretic and is used as an anti-androgen.

is a synthetic 17-lactone drug that renal competitive aldosterone antagonist to a class of drugs known as potassium-sparing diuretics, particularly in the treatment of heart failure, ascites, hepatic disease, low-renin hypertension, hypokalemia, secondary hyperaldosteronism (such as occurs in hepatic cirrhosis ) and Conn & # 39; s syndrome (primary hyperaldosteronism). Thanks to anti-androgenic effect can also be used to treat hirsutism, and it is a common component of hormone therapy in male-female transsexual and transgender people. Interestingly, it is also used for the treatment of hair loss, and acne in women, and not used to tag a topical medication for the treatment of male pattern baldness. Spironolactone is used to treat symptoms commonly polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), as excess facial hair and acne. It can also cause gynecomastia in men and will never be given potassium supplementation fear the development of hyperkalemia.

The following female hair loss drug flutamide. Antiandrogen Flutamide is an oral steroid drugs particularly for the treatment of prostate cancer. This testosterone competes with its powerful metabolite of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) binding to androgen receptors prostate. This prevents an increase in the stimulation of the prostate cancer cells. The flutamide has been replaced by the right-cancer drug bicalutamide because of the side effects profile. Flutamide can be used to treat excess androgen levels in women and it is here that the drug is used to treat female hair loss. This is marketed by Schering-Plough under the trade name Eulexin, also known Flutamin. As spironolactone, flutamide potentially cause side effects feminizing men as gynecomastia, and so this hair loss treatment drug that is generally useful only for hair-challenged women.

Drugs are great. Thank goodness for drugs. Surely, the greatest achievement was the creation of the twentieth century miracle drugs such as streptomycin and penicillin. But the drug also comes with common but sometimes very serious negative side effects. Interestingly, the fact remains that more than 50% of the medicines used today throughout the world originates from natural materials, either all or in part. For example, one of the earliest drugs withdrawn from TB bacillus found in cranberry bogs. Nature has been busy creating biochemical active molecules in many millions of years. Human beings have been wearing a slightly shorter period of time.

The elegance of natural phytochemicals and stagger the imagination and ignites. And while natural medicine has been used for thousands of years, it is only recently that scientific analysis of evidence-based applied to enforce these & # 39; healing & # 39; as such substances are sometimes. A new field is emerging with sophisticated tools of molecular biology and protein chemistry are utilized to test, concentrate, and generally improve the natural compounds, all without turning them into synthetic drugs.

In the laboratory, the focus of our work towards the development of products based on natural hair loss treatment. Here, the goal is that all you & # 39; I've learned and find a safe, botanical-based materials, which offer advantages in setting testable pattern hair loss.

Source by Geno Marcovici

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